Solusi Untuk Jadi Jago Linux

Posted by Zam on Saturday, May 26, 2012

BajangSite - Solusi Untuk Jadi Jago Linux,kabar gembira buat para pelajar SMA/SMK yang kemarin (26 mei 2012) baru lulus dari belajar dan yang kepengin meneruskan  belajar untuk bisa menjadi jago linuk,kalaian bisa bergabung dengan  Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri,disana kalian akan mendalami ilmu tentang linux.

Memang sekarang ini yang menggunakan Linux masih sedikit di Indonesia,namun jika  para netter sudah belajar dan menjadi jago linux,pasti mereka akan meninggalkan windows dan pindah ke linux seterusnya karena dengan Linux kita diberi banyak sekali kemudahan,antara lain : cepet pas booting (bahkan Lbih cepet dari XP), enak buat browsing, sebagian besar software/aplikasi gratis, bebas virus (virus bisa masuk cuma ngga mempengaruhi sistem).

Dengan kalian mengikuti Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri dijamin setelah lulus dari sana nanti kalian bisa mejadi jago linux,dan setelah kalian jago linuk  kalian pastri memiliki skill dan kalian bisa memanfatkan sekill itu untuk bekerja di masa depan,karena sekarang ini banyak sekali perusahaan-perusahaan yang membutuhkan seorang yang jago linux karena banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan sistem oprasinya berbasis Linux, selain itu kalian juga bisa bergabung dengan KPLI di daerah masing-masing.

pokoknya gak rugi deh ikut Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri, kalian disana akan belajar dengan system yang cepat,jelas, dan yang pasti pelajarannya disana selalu berhubungan dengan linux.

Keunggulan Yang di Berikan Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri :

  • Terakreditasi pada Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pendidikan Non Formal (BAN-PNF) Kemdikbud No. KOM 3276 00006 09 2009.

  • Approved Training Partner (ATP) Linux Professional Institute (LPI) - Canada.

  • Training Partner BlankOn LINUX.

  • Menggunakan Sistem Operasi GNU/Linux  yang berlisensi GPL dan program open source lainnya.

  • Pelopor Training Linux/Open Source Software di Indonesia.

  • Anggota dan salah satu pendiri Asosiasi Open Source Indonesia (AOSI).

  • Anggota Himpunan Penyelenggara Kursus Indonesia (HIPKI).

  • Kompetensi Profesional di Bidang Linux/Open Source     (yang sangat dibutuhkan saat ini).

  • Materi pendidikan Agama Islam pada setiap Semester.

  • 90% Praktik Menggunakan  Komputer yang terhubung dengan Jaringan.

  • Hanya membayar Biaya Pokok dan SPP Bulanan.

  • Informasi Peluang Kerja dan Dibantu Penyaluran Kerja.

  • Telah dipercaya pemerintah dan oleh banyak Perusahaan Nasional dan Multinasional yang Berbasis IT.

  • Kurikulum Link & Match dengan Dunia Kerja.

  • Kuliah Umum  di luar jam perkuliahan oleh para pakar.

More aboutSolusi Untuk Jadi Jago Linux

Keutamaan Puasa Sunnah Rajab

Posted by Zam on Thursday, May 24, 2012

BajangSite - Keutamaan Puasa Sunnah Rajab, Alhamdulillah kita semua masih bisa merasakansuasana di bulan rajab ini dengan sehat,biasanya umat Islam menjalankan sebuah puasa sunah di bulan rajab yaitu uasa Sunnah Rajab.

Rajab adalah bulan ke tujuh dari penggalan Islam qomariyah (hijriyah). Peristiwa Isra Mi’raj  Nabi Muhammad  shalallah ‘alaih wasallam  untuk menerima perintah salat lima waktu terjadi pada 27 Rajab ini.

Bulan Rajab juga merupakan salah satu bulan haram, artinya bulan yang dimuliakan. Dalam tradisi Islam dikenal ada empat  bulan haram, ketiganya secara berurutan  adalah: Dzulqa'dah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram, dan satu bulan yang tersendiri,  Rajab.

Dinamakan bulan haram karena pada bulan-bulan tersebut orang Islam dilarang mengadakan peperangan. Tentang bulan-bulan  ini, Al-Qur’an menjelaskan:

“Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan pada sisi Allah adalah dua belas bulan, dalam ketetapan Allah di waktu Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan haram. Itulah (ketetapan) agama yang lurus, Maka janganlah kamu Menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan yang empat itu, dan perangilah kaum musyrikin itu semuanya sebagaimana merekapun memerangi kamu semuanya, dan ketahuilah bahwasanya Allah beserta orang-orang yang bertakwa.”

Hukum Puasa Rajab

Hadis-hadis Nabi yang menganjurkan atau memerintahkan berpuasa dalam bulan- bulan haram (Dzulqa’dah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram dan Rajab) itu cukup menjadi hujjah atau landasan mengenai keutamaan puasa di bulan Rajab.

Diriwayatkan dari Mujibah al-Bahiliyah, Rasulullah bersabda "Puasalah pada bulan-bulan haram." (Riwayat Abu Dawud, Ibnu Majah, dan Ahmad). Hadis lainnya adalah riwayat al-Nasa'i dan Abu Dawud (dan disahihkan oleh Ibnu Huzaimah): "Usamah berkata pada Nabi Muhammad Saw, “Wahai Rasulallah, saya tak melihat Rasul melakukan puasa (sunnah) sebanyak yang Rasul lakukan dalam bulan Sya'ban. Rasul menjawab: 'Bulan Sya'ban adalah bulan antara Rajab dan Ramadan yang dilupakan oleh kebanyakan orang.'"

Menurut as-Syaukani dalam Nailul Authar, dalam bahasan puasa sunnah, ungkapan Nabi, "Bulan Sya'ban adalah bulan antara Rajab dan Ramadan yang dilupakan kebanyakan orang" itu secara implisit menunjukkan bahwa bulan Rajab juga disunnahkan melakukan puasa di dalamnya.

Keutamaan berpuasa pada bulan haram juga diriwayatkan dalam hadis sahih imam Muslim. Bahkan  berpuasa di dalam bulan-bulan mulia ini disebut Rasulullah sebagai puasa yang paling utama setelah puasa Ramadan. Nabi bersabda : “Seutama-utama puasa setelah Ramadan adalah puasa di bulan-bulan al-muharram (Dzulqa'dah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram, dan  Rajab).

Al-Ghazali dalam Ihya’ Ulumid-Din menyatakan bahwa kesunnahan berpuasa menjadi lebih kuat jika dilaksanakan pada hari-hari utama (al-ayyam al-fadhilah). Hari- hari utama ini dapat ditemukan pada tiap tahun, tiap bulan dan tiap minggu. Terkait siklus bulanan ini Al-Ghazali menyatakan bahwa Rajab terkategori al-asyhur al-fadhilah di samping dzulhijjah, muharram dan sya’ban. Rajab juga terkategori al-asyhur al-hurum  di samping dzulqa’dah, dzul hijjah, dan muharram.

Disebutkan dalam  Kifayah al-Akhyar, bahwa bulan yang paling utama untuk berpuasa setelah Ramadan adalah bulan- bulan haram yaitu dzulqa’dah, dzul hijjah, rajab dan  muharram. Di antara keempat bulan itu yang paling utama untuk puasa adalah bulan al-muharram, kemudian Sya’ban. Namun menurut Syaikh Al-Rayani, bulan puasa yang utama setelah al-Muharram adalah Rajab.

Terkait hukum puasa dan ibadah pada Rajab, Imam Al-Nawawi menyatakan, telah jelas dan shahih riwayat bahwa Rasul SAW menyukai puasa dan memperbanyak ibadah di bulan haram, dan Rajab adalah salah satu dari bulan haram, maka selama tak ada pelarangan khusus puasa dan ibadah di bulan Rajab, maka tak ada satu kekuatan untuk melarang puasa Rajab dan ibadah lainnya di bulan Rajab” (Syarh Nawawi ‘ala Shahih Muslim).


Hadis Keutamaan Rajab

Berikut beberapa hadis yang menerangkan keutamaan dan kekhususan puasa bulan Rajab:

• Diriwayatkan bahwa apabila Rasulullah SAW memasuki bulan Rajab beliau berdo’a:“Ya, Allah berkahilah kami di bulan Rajab (ini) dan (juga) Sya’ban, dan sampaikanlah kami kepada bulan Ramadhan.” (HR. Imam Ahmad, dari Anas bin Malik).

• "Barang siapa berpuasa pada bulan Rajab sehari, maka laksana ia puasa selama sebulan, bila puasa 7 hari maka ditutuplah untuknya 7 pintu neraka Jahim, bila puasa 8 hari maka dibukakan untuknya 8 pintu surga, dan bila puasa 10 hari maka digantilah dosa-dosanya dengan kebaikan."

• Riwayat al-Thabarani dari Sa'id bin Rasyid: “Barangsiapa berpuasa sehari di bulan Rajab, maka ia laksana  berpuasa setahun, bila puasa 7 hari maka ditutuplah untuknya pintu-pintu neraka jahanam, bila puasa 8 hari dibukakan untuknya 8 pintu surga, bila puasa 10 hari, Allah akan mengabulkan semua permintaannya....."

• "Sesungguhnya di surga terdapat sungai yang dinamakan Rajab, airnya lebih putih daripada susu dan rasanya lebih manis dari madu. Barangsiapa puasa sehari pada bulan Rajab, maka ia akan dikaruniai minum dari sungai tersebut".

• Riwayat (secara mursal) Abul Fath dari al-Hasan, Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Rajab itu bulannya Allah, Sya'ban bulanku, dan Ramadan bulannya umatku."

• Sabda Rasulullah SAW lagi : “Pada malam mi’raj, saya melihat sebuah sungai yang airnya lebih manis dari madu, lebih sejuk dari air batu dan lebih harum dari minyak wangi, lalu saya bertanya pada Jibril a.s.: “Wahai Jibril untuk siapakan sungai ini ?”Maka berkata Jibrilb a.s.: “Ya Muhammad sungai ini adalah untuk orang yang membaca salawat untuk engkau di bulan Rajab ini”.


sumber :
More aboutKeutamaan Puasa Sunnah Rajab

Cara Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress

Posted by Zam on Tuesday, May 22, 2012

BajangSite - Cara Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress,kali ini saya akan membagikan tips tentang Cara Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress dengan mudah,saya membagikan tips ini karena menurut saya jika postingan kita di baca oleh orang pasti mereka pingin memmerikan komentar dengan cepat dan mudah,jika kita hanya mengandalkan sebuah kolom komentar bawaan blog pasti pengunjung juga akan merasa malas karena sebelum komentar karus menulis nama dan alamat blog.

Pasti hampir semua netter memilikki sebuah akun di facebook,dengan memiliki akun dan login di facebook mereka bisa langsung memberi komentar pada sebuah artikel  sebuah blog yang dibawahnya telah di sediakan kolom komentar dari facebook.
(contoh hasilnya)

Langsung saja Cara Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress  disini saya akan menggunakan sebuah plugins,sehingga kita tinggal  istal saja tanpa ribet,saya memilih cara inikarena saya tidak mau repot untuk Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress.



langkah-langkah Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress :

  • Instal plugins SEO Facebook Comments (gratis kok)

  • Aktifkan

  • setting pada plugin SEO Facebook (untuk cara  mendapatkan App ID dan App Secret silahkan klik disini )

  • seve

  • Lihat hasilnya


Semoga tips Cara Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress di atas bisa bermanfaat dan bisa menambah pengunjung blog.


More aboutCara Memasang Komentar facebook di Blog Wordpress

Kepastian Lady GaGa Akan Konser DiBali

Posted by Zam on Saturday, May 19, 2012

BajangSite -Kepastian Lady GaGa Akan Konser DiBali,akhir-akhir ini berita untuk Kepastian konser Lady GaGa di Indonesia banyak i cari-cari oleh penggemar Lady GaGa yang ada di Indonesia,karena mereka sangat menanti keatangan dan konsernya  Lady GaGa di Indonesia.

Dilarangnya pelaksanaan konser Lady GaGa di Jakarta, kabarnya pihak promotor bakal memindahkan konser ke Bali. Namun, hal tersebut ditepis oleh pihak Polda Metro Jaya.




"Kalau di Bali lingkungannya memang permisif, kalau di Jakarta ada aspek-aspek yang harus dijaga. Konser Lady GaGa tidak akan dipindahkan ke Bali, mereka sudah memahami hal-hal tersebut tidak memungkinkan untuk diselenggarakan konser itu," ujar Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Rikwanto saat ditemui wartawan di Polda Metro Jaya, Selasa (15/5).


Pihak promotor sendiri memang sudah berkoordinasi dengan pihak kepolisian. Pihak Kepolisian juga sudah menyampaikan masalahnya.

"Kita sudah sampaikan ke mereka juga. Dalam hal ini banyak konser-konser yang sudah masuk ke Indonesia yang sudah diberikan izin, namun untuk Lady GaGa menunjukkan hal-hal yang  tidak sesuai dengan adat ketimuran, sudah disampaikan ke promotor dan mereka sudah memaklumi," pungkas Rikwanto. (kpl/adt/faj)

semoga artikel mengenai Lady GaGa Akan Konser DiBali ini bermanfaat bagi penggemarnya yang ada di Indonesia.

Refrensi artikel :
More aboutKepastian Lady GaGa Akan Konser DiBali

Hasil Final Liga Champions 2012 Bayern Munchen vs Chelsea

Posted by Zam

BajangSite - Hasil Final Liga Champions 2012 Bayern Munchen vs Chelsea, akhirnya hasil final liga champions 2012 bisa ketahui bersama,walaupun banyak yang memprediksi pertandingan itu bakalan dia yang akan menang,namun diantara beberapa prediksi juga banyak yang kurang tepat,ya namanya juga memprediksi.

Langsung saja kali ini saya akan membagikan berita atau info tentang Hasil Final Liga Champions 2012 Bayern Munchen vs Chelsea yang telah bertanding dini hari tadi (20-mei-2012) yang disiarkan langsung di stasiun TV indonesia yaitu RCTI.pada pertandingan  Final Liga Champions 2012  antara Bayern Munchen vs Chelsea  di babak pertama hasil sekor  hanya 0-0 hingga habis waktunya babak pertama,itu karena dari  kedua club pemainnya sangatlah handal-handal dalam bermain bola.


Pada babak kedua permainan dari Bayern Munchen mulai membaik,dan Bayern Munchen berhasil unggul 1-0 pada sekitar menit ke-83,namun keunggulan Bayern Munchen tidak bertahan lama karena pada sekitar  menit ke-87 Chelsea berhasil membalas goal dari Bayern Munchen,sehingga skor menjadi imbang 1-1,bahkan hinnga akhir pertandingan dan akhir babak tambahan sekor imbang 1-1.



Dan akhirnya untuk mengetahui Hasil Final Liga Champions 2012 Bayern Munchen vs Chelsea sang pemimpin pertandinganpun mengadakan adu penalti,di adu penalti ini chelsea lebih unggul dan bisa memenangkan pertandingan final liga champions 2012.

peman kepercayaan Chelsea untuk penalti : David Luiz, Frank Lampard, Juan Mata, Ashley Cole, dan Drogba. mereka  sukses memperdayai Neuer,namun Juan Mata gagal menjalankan tugasnya,Dan peman kepercayaan Bayern Munchen untuk penalti :Philipp Lahm, Mario Gomez, dan Neuer, Ivica Olic dan Bastian Schweinsteiger ,sayang sekali pemain kepercayaan dari Bayern Munchen hanya Philipp Lahm, Mario Gomez, dan Neuer yang sukses menjebol gawang chelsea dan Ivica Olic dan Bastian Schweinsteiger gagal menjalankan tugasnya.sehinngga skor akhir final liga champions = 4-3.


Dengan penalti itu maka Hasil Final Liga Champions 2012 Bayern Munchen vs Chelsea dapat kita ketahui kalau peman chelsea lebih unggul dibanding Bayern Munchen pada saat ini.Dan Chelsea dengan resmi menjadi sang juara Liga Champions 2012.

More aboutHasil Final Liga Champions 2012 Bayern Munchen vs Chelsea

Poll Shows 74% of Americans Support Medical Marijuana

Posted by Zam on Thursday, May 17, 2012

National Poll Reveals Unpopularity of Obama Administration Interference In Medical Marijuana States
In a just-released poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, three quarters of American voters -- 74 percent -- want the Obama administration to respect individual state medical marijuana laws.

Only 15 percent of voters nationwide support using federal resources to arrest and prosecute those who are acting in compliance with their state medical marijuana laws.

The poll informed voters that medical marijuana is legal with a doctor's recommendation in 16 states as well as the District of Columbia, and in some of those states it is legal for licensed and tightly regulated individuals to grow and sell marijuana to qualifying patients. Respondents were then asked if President Obama should respect the medical marijuana laws in these states, or continue to use federal resources to arrest and prosecute individuals who are acting in compliance with state medical marijuana laws.

"These results are consistent with the clear and growing body of evidence that documents substantial voter support for the legalization of medical marijuana," said Larry Harris, a principal with Mason-Dixon Polling & Research.

steve fox ncia flip.jpg
Steve Fox, Marijuana Policy Project: "The results of this survey demonstrate that there is virtually no support in the country for the Obama administration's crackdown on state medical marijuana laws"

Support for keeping the federal government out of state medical marijuana issues was universal across all demographics. With respect to political affiliation, 75 percent of Democrats, 67 percent of Republicans, and, notably 79 percent of Independents said that President Obama should respect state medical marijuana laws.

Even among the least supportive group (those identified as over 65 years of age), 64 percent were in favor of respecting state law.
"The results of this survey demonstrate that there is virtually no support in the country for the Obama administration's crackdown on state medical marijuana laws," said Steve Fox, director of government relations for the Marijuana Policy Project. "Across all demographic and ideological groups, the American people strongly believe the president should respect state medical marijuana laws, as he promised he would when he campaigned to be president.

"It is clearly time for President Obama to stand up to the members of his administration who are carrying out the morally wrong and politically unpopular policy of denying patients safe access to this beneficial medicine," Fox said.
source  :
More aboutPoll Shows 74% of Americans Support Medical Marijuana

Why do conservatives hate freedom?

Posted by Zam

Why do conservatives hate freedom? The question may be startling. After all, don’t conservatives claim they are protecting liberty in America against liberal statism, which they compare to communism or fascism? But the conservative idea of “freedom” is a very peculiar one, which excludes virtually every kind of liberty that ordinary Americans take for granted.
I distinguish conservatives from libertarians, who, on issues of personal liberty, tend to side with liberals. Since World War II, mainstream conservatives have opposed every expansion of personal liberty in the United States.
During the civil rights era, the leading conservative politician, Barry Goldwater, and the leading conservative intellectual, William F. Buckley Jr., along with most of their followers opposed federal laws banning racial discrimination. To their credit, they later admitted they had been mistaken; indeed, both Buckley and Goldwater supported gay rights late in their careers. But at the time that conservative support for a color-blind society might have made a difference, the leaders of American conservatism sided with the Southern segregationists. They claimed they did so, not because of racial prejudice, but because they feared federal tyranny — a weaselly stance that, in practice, made them side with white supremacist tyranny at the state level. If they had truly believed in their own propaganda about federalism, conservatives could have opposed federal civil rights legislation while campaigning for civil rights laws at the state level. They didn’t.
The civil rights revolution was followed by the sexual revolution. Here again, conservatives, as distinct from libertarians, were on the side of government repression. The mainstream conservative movement opposed the legalization of contraceptives and abortion. In this case, unlike in the case of civil rights, the American right did not even pretend to have constitutional reasons for opposing Supreme Court decisions like Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 (which struck down state bans on the use of contraception, including by married couples) or Roe v. Wade  in 1973 (which struck down state bans on most abortion). The mainstream right simply argued that conservative Christian beliefs about sexual morality should be incorporated into law. In other words, the very conservatives warning us about the dangers of “mobocracy” when it came to the welfare state had no objection to using the power of government to force their fellow citizens to live their private lives according to the teachings of Thomas Aquinas or the Book of Leviticus, as interpreted by semi-literate Southern Protestant preachers.
The conservative campaign against gay rights is equally impossible to justify, in terms of America’s Founding philosophy of natural rights. Unable to come up with any Lockean liberal reason why citizens of a democratic republic should be discriminated against, on the basis of their sexual orientations, conservatives are forced to cite the Bible or thousands of years of tradition. The whole point of the American Founding, however, was to establish a regime that was not based, like the pre-modern monarchies of  Europe, on revealed religion or ancient custom. In the words of Gen. George Washington in his circular to the states, shortly after victory in the American war of independence:
The foundation of our Empire was not laid in the gloomy age of Ignorance and Superstition, but at an Epocha when the rights of mankind were better understood and more clearly defined, than at any former period, the researches of the human mind, after social happiness, have been carried to a great extent, the Treasures of knowledge, acquired by the labours of Philosophers, Sages and Legislatures, through a long succession of years, are laid open for our use, and their collected wisdom may be happily applied in the Establishment of our forms of Government…”  A theocratic or tribalist Right that argues for public policies by invoking divine revelation to some ancient prophet or immemorial custom dating back to “the gloomy age of Ignorance and Superstition,” is profoundly, radically un-American.
In the cases of freedom from racial discrimination and freedom from sexual repression, American conservatives have been solidly on the side of government repression of the powerless and unprivileged. The same is true with respect to workers’ rights, debtors’ rights and criminal rights.
To listen to their Jacksonian rhetoric, American conservatives are the champions of the little guy against the “elites.” But not, it appears, in the workplace or the bank. The American right is opposed to anything — minimum wage laws, unions, workplace regulations — that would increase the bargaining power of workers relative to their bosses.
And what about debtors? Genuine Jeffersonians and Jacksonians have usually sided with working-class debtors against upper-class creditors.  Not American conservatives.  They supported laws making it harder for families crippled by medical bills to declare bankruptcy. The Tea Party was mobilized in part by opposition to proposals to restructure the debt of homeowners who are “underwater” with their mortgages. And — best of all — the very same American right that wants to impose Catholic or  Old Testament sexual morals in the bedroom opposes Catholic and  Old Testament teachings about the need to limit usury.
Last but not least is the appallingly authoritarian conservative record in the realm of criminal rights. If American conservatives really believed their talk about the threat of government tyranny and government incompetence, they would unanimously oppose the death penalty. Nothing could illustrate arbitrary, despotic government power more than the possibility that execution might depend on the vagaries of jury selection or the incompetence of state-appointed legal counsel. And yet when it comes to the death penalty, American conservatives abruptly forget their qualms about state power in its most lethal form. The same conservative movement that claims that government cannot be trusted to run the postal system or administer Social Security insists that wise and flawless government never applies the death penalty to the guilty inconsistently and never executes an innocent person by mistake.
What would America look like, if conservatives had won their battles against American liberty in the last half-century?  Formal racial segregation might still exist at the state and local level in the South. In some states, it would be illegal to obtain abortions or even for married couples to use contraception. In much of the United States, gays and lesbians would still be treated as criminals. Government would dictate to Americans with whom and how they can have sex. Unions would have been completely annihilated in the public as well as the private sector. Wages and hours laws would be abolished, so that employers could pay third-world wages to Americans working seven days a week, 12 hours a day, as many did before the New Deal. There would be far more executions and far fewer procedural safeguards to ensure that the lives of innocent Americans are not ended mistakenly by the state.
That is the America that the American right for the last few generations has fought for. Freedom has nothing to do with it.

More aboutWhy do conservatives hate freedom?

Dear Executives, Technological Ignorance Is No Longer Acceptable

Posted by Zam

An article appeared in the New York Times technology section recently about Glenn Britt, the CEO of Time Warner Cable. The story? He doesn’t know what AirPlay is. Of course, many people don’t know what AirPlay is. For those of you who don’t know, AirPlay is a software service from Apple that allows users to play content from one device onto another. You can play your iTunes music through AirPlay-enabled speakers for example or play a video from your iPhone on a TV connected to an AppleTV. That last part is why the CEO of a major cable and content provider should know about AirPlay. The media content ownership and delivery systems in the world are in a state of upheaval. The controversy has largely centered around file sharing, from Napster in the early 2000s up to the current conflicts surrounding the Pirate Bay.
It was a natural progression of the technology we had available. We figured out how to store music as small digital files that could be easily played, moved and copied. We connected everyone’s computers together in a giant network which made it extraordinarily easy to move data around. The files got small enough and the network got fast enough that even the least tech-savvy computer users among us had no trouble sharing a song or an entire album with a friend. But that someone optimized and anonymized that process is what would shake up an industry.

At this point things are a confusing mess with innovators fighting copyright holders and copyright holders trying to innovate in a way that will protect their bottom line. Television is particularly interesting right now as the networks and cable providers can’t seem to figure out what they want to do. Companies are tentatively embracing services like Hulu, Netflix and the iTunes Store as legitimate and affordable ways for consumers to watch movies and TV shows, but there is always a sword dangling above, waiting for a major network or movie studio to pull their license and leave paying customers without the content they paid to see. There are also strong signs of the desire of copyright holders to control the content they own.

Hulu was supposed to bring TV shows to everyone over the internet, but as they became more popular, they started restricting their service. Instead of being able to watch any show in the Hulu library, TV show episodes would rotate out. Other content was hidden behind the Hulu Plus paywall, reserved for paying customers. Hulu also started restricting which devices could access their content. One of the biggest shakeups was Hulu’s exit from Boxee which allowed people to use their computers as an entertainment system. Hulu similarly pulled the rug out from under Google TV in its infancy. Watching Hulu any way other than a traditional computer browser these days requires an app and a Hulu Plus subscription (as on the iPad) and some services like HBO GO don’t allow their content to be displayed on an external monitor. And again, this is why the CEO of Time Warner should know a thing or two about AirPlay. AirPlay is part of the iPhone, the iPad, iTunes, and after this summer, it will be part of the Mac operating system. When Mountain Lion becomes available for customers, they will be able to display their entire screen on a display connected to their AppleTV and suddenly any content that we can find on our computers can also be on our television. His words: “So the current Apple TV, the little thing, the hockey puck, really doesn’t do anything to help enable you to get Internet material on your TV.”
This is a twofold problem (at least.) If the content holders have no idea what technology consumers are using and what they want in a viewing experience, how can they make good decisions about how to provide and license their content and how can they do anything but respond to new and disruptive technology with lawsuits and awkward diatribes against piracy? I think we are past the point in our culture when we give people a pass for not understanding how technology works – not people who make a living from it and make legislative decisions about it. Part of the reason technology workers and enthusiasts are so put off by attempts to regulate (or not) technology is because these laws and restrictions are so obviously being created by people who don’t know the first thing about the technology they’re dealing with.

source :
More aboutDear Executives, Technological Ignorance Is No Longer Acceptable

Gov. Scott (R-ALEC) Walker’s billionaire donor pays nothing (zero) in State Corporate income tax

Posted by Zam

Billionaire Diane Hendricks, the anti-labor donor who contributed $500,000 to Gov. Scott Walker to make Wisconsin a red state is the largest donor to help fight his recall. Hendricks’ firm pays zero State Corporate income tax. Walker is under more scrutiny since the besieged Governor’s conversation with his benefactress billionaire was outed in a video with theGovernor declaring his ‘Divide and  Conquer’ strategy.
Jack Norman at the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future disclosed this revelation (Gosh, I love the Internet):
During a three-month period in 2012, Hendricks donated $500,000 to Walker’s campaign, according to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. She is the largest single donor to the governor’s anti-recall campaign, outspending even fellow billionaires Sheldon Adelson (Las Vegas casinos) and Richard DeVos (Amway).
Hendricks, whom Forbes magazine says is worth $2.8 billion, heads Beloit-based ABC Supply Company, which the magazine calls “the nation’s largest roofing, window and siding wholesale distributor” with annual sales approaching $5 billion.
ABC Supply may be a huge money-maker for Hendricks, but the Wisconsin corporate income tax returns she files claim the company makes not a penny in taxable profit.
ABC Supply paid exactly $0.00 in state corporate income tax in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, according to the state Department of Revenue. Tax data for more recent years were not available when the information was requested from the department.
Hendricks helped make headlines last week when a video emerged of a conversation she had with Walker in Beloit. In the video, Hendricks asks Walker: “Any chance we’ll ever get to be a completely red state and work on these unions and be-come a right-to-work state? What can we do to help you?”
Walker replied: “Well, we’re going to start in a couple weeks with our budget adjustment bill. The first step is we’re going to deal with collection bargaining for all public employee unions, because you use divide and conquer.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Hendricks is well-known as a financial backer of conservative causes and candidates. Her political donations in Wisconsin date as far back as a $1,000 gift to then-Gov. Tommy G. Thompson in 1991, ac- cording to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.
And she speaks out herself in favor of low taxes and less regulations. The opening sentence in an op-ed she wrote in 2010 for USA Today says: “Taxing job creators is a sure way to stop the engine of economic growth.”
Well, she’s found a way to get around paying any state income tax on her business. After all, state tax law is full of plenty of loopholes for her lawyers and accountants to work with. It’s not known which loop- holes ABC Supply used to avoid income taxes.
ABC Supply was founded in 1982 by Hendricks and her late husband, Kenneth Hendricks. She was a very active partner while he was alive and has been running the company since his death five years ago.
(My bold)
This is significant. While Walker claims he is not battling the middle class, he’s teamed up with a billionaire businesswoman who was afforded every Corporate loophole to avoid taxation while partnering with the Governor to eradicate union rights.
Can’t we all make a decent living Ms. Hendricks, or is it all about you?

source :
More aboutGov. Scott (R-ALEC) Walker’s billionaire donor pays nothing (zero) in State Corporate income tax

Anti Virus Kreasi Anak Ponorogo

Posted by Zam on Monday, May 14, 2012

BajangSite - Anti Virus Kreasi Anak Ponorogo,kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah Antivirus yang dikembangkan oleh teman saya asli anak Ponorogo, A.I. Malware Scanner atau bisa disingkat AIMS adalah salah satu program keamanan lokal yang dikembangkan oleh salah satu santri SMK AL-ISLAM Joresan yang sekarang sudah menjadi alumni.

Tentang Pengembang AIMS

Pengembang AIMS adalah alumni dari SMK AL-ISLAM Joresan yang telah berkecibung di dunia keamanan komputer dan juga bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic 6 sejak tahun 2010 yang lalu.
Sebenarnya, dia lebih suka dengan pembuatan Malware daripada pembuatan Program Keamanan karena dia menganggap bahwa Malware adalah suatu program yang bebas digunakan dan disebarkan oleh siapa saja tanpa harus memperhitungkan tentang HAKI, si pengguna Malware, dan juga hal-hal yang bersifat privasi.

Tentang AIMS

[caption id="attachment_220" align="alignnone" width="319" caption="untuk memperjelas gambar silahkan di klik pada gambar"][/caption]

AIMS adalah salah satu Program Keamanan yang melindungi komputer dari serangan program jahat yang setiap saat bisa menyerang komputer anda. Program ini terbuat dari bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic 6 atau biasa disebut VB6 yang cenderung mudah dipahami oleh pengguna awam. Basis dari AIMS adalah CMC (Codenesia Malware Cleaner) yang bermarkas di .


Fitur-fitur yang dimiliki AIMS adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Mengenali hampir 4000 malware yang beredar luas

  • Mempunyai disinfector untuk file yang terinfeksi oleh :

  • Chir.B@mm.a (Runouce)

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  • HTM\Dropper

  • A.I.M.Protector untuk melindungi komputer secara real time

  • Exception List

  • Temporary Malware Signer (malware dari pengguna)

  • Color Setting untuk mengganti warna tema

Pesan dari dari Pengembang : "Kesempurnaan hanya milik yang MAHA KUASA, jadi program ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna"

buat kalian yang kepengen nyoba Anti Virus Kreasi Anak Ponorogo yang namanya AIMS  langsung saja di download  di link di bawah ini:

Download A.I. Malware Scanner
More aboutAnti Virus Kreasi Anak Ponorogo

Lirik Lagu Euro 2012

Posted by Zam on Sunday, May 13, 2012

BajangSite - Lirik Lagu Euro 2012, hai kawan-kawan semua yang suka bola atau suka dengerin musik ,kali ini BajangSite akan membagikan Lirik Lagu Euro 2012, dan sebentar lagi kita semua bisa menyaksikan pertandingan sepak bola yang sangat istimewah yaitu  Euro 2012,langsung saja ini dia Lirik Lagu Euro 2012.

Lirik Lagu Euro 2012:

Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh

Moving up, moving down, keep on turning up the sound
We gonn party in the sun
Catch the feeling have some fun
Moving up, moving down, let your love shine all around
You're gonna be my number one
Make my heart beat like a drum
Like a drum, drum,
Moving up, moving down
You make me jump, jump
Let your love shine all around
Like a drum, drum,
Make my heart beat like a drum
Like a drum, drum,

Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh

Like a drum, drum,
Moving up, moving down
You make me jump, jump
Let your love shine all around
Like a drum, drum,
Make my heart beat like a drum
Like a drum, drum,
You're gonna be my number one
Make my heart beat like a drum
Like a drum, drum,

Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh
Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh




jika ingin lihat video Lagu Euro 2012 silahkan klik disini

More aboutLirik Lagu Euro 2012

Spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 610

Posted by Zam on Saturday, May 12, 2012

BajangSite - Spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 610,kabar gembitra buat yang suka smartphon terbaru,smartphon baru ini sebentar lagi akan akan segera dipasarkan di Asia,Nokia Lumia 610 akan hadir di Filipina pada akhir april ini, selanjutnya akan menyusul hadir di Cina, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia, Taiwan, dan Vietnam pada pekan berikutnya.

Nokia Lumia 610 ini memiliki banyak sekali kelebihan diantaranya adalah dukungan group lebih support dengan pengiriman instant SMS, messaging dan email,selain itu juga memiliki kelebihan fitur Nokia Musik. Melalui fitur ini pengguna dapat mendownload usik full track yang tersedia hingga enam bulan.langsung saja untuk Spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 610 di lihat di bwah ini.

Spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 610

GSM: 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 ,3G HSDPA 900 /1900 / 2100

Tipe: TFT capacitive touchscreen, 56K colors
Ukuran: 480 x 800 pixels, 3.7 inches (~252 ppi pixel density) Multitouch, Corning Gorilla Glass

Fitur: Vibration, MP3 Ringtones
Jack: 3.5mm jack audio
Speakerphone: Ya

Internal: 8 GB storage, 256 MB RAM
Eksternal: Slot Micro SD card up to 32GB

3G: HSDPA, 7.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps
EDGE: Class 10, 236.8 kbps
GPRS: Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
Bluetooth: v2.1 with A2DP, EDR
Infrared: Tidak

Primer: 5 MP, 2592?1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash
Sekunder: Tidak
Video Record: Ya, 720p@30fps

OS: Microsoft Windows Phone 7.5 Mango
CPU: 800 MHz
Browser: HTML5
Messaging: SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
Java: Tidak
- MicroSIM card support only
- SNS integration
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
- Document viewer
- Video/photo editor
- Voice memo/dial
- Predictive text input

Tipe: Standard battery, Li-Ion 1300 mAh (BP-3L)
Standby Up: to 670 h (2G) / Up to 720 h (3G)


itulah Spesifikasi Nokia Lumia 610 dan untuk harganya Ponsel ini dikabarkan akan dibanderol dengan harga 189 euro atau sekitar Rp 2.2 juta.
More aboutSpesifikasi Nokia Lumia 610